Thursday, July 21, 2005


I got a call from my friend Sean Burns the other night, asking if we could get together for dinner and discuss some thoughts he has about his weekly radio show.

Sean and his wife Jamie are the founders of the
Sangamon Valley Roots Revival here in lovely Springfield, IL. Over the past 5 years, the SVRR has played host to many top-notch roots and rockabilly acts from around the world. For me (as well as many others), the SVRR has been Springfield's one true saving grace- it's redeeming feature, the ONLY reason to go out at all. The SVRR have brought us a consistant stream of wonderful, talented, live musicians in a town obsessed with top 40 cover bands.

So, this past Friday night I go to see what Sean has to say....

Oh Boy!!! I'm gonna be a DJ!!!!

Sean asked if I'd be interested in taking over his radio show later this fall! The show- "The Sangamon Valley Roots Revival" airs on
WQNA 88.3 every Wednesday night from 7-9 pm. I have to say that I'm MORE than nervous to be doing this- I have no experience barring the fact that I love music. Fortunately, Sean is going to have me into the show to explain how the engineering works. When I take the show over this fall, I may swap time slots with Tom Huber - host of "Crop Circles". The SVRR show would then air on Saturday afternoons from 11am -1pm.

I'm getting geared-up about some ideas for theme shows. You know- "Men Behaveing Badly", "Songs from the grave", cars, fight songs, love songs, maybe a chain thing with members of bands who cross over and interconnect to other bands- whatever. (Any suggestinos would be appreciated). I thought that this might be the easiest way to break myself in. I'm also going to have to figure out how to approach bands and recording labels to make requests for CD's and Demos. I'd love to do interviews and have some guest DJ's in the studio with me. It will be a lot of work, but I'm hoping it will be worth it!

For now, you can hear the show on Wednesday nights on 88.3 FM in the Springfield area or live on the web- just go to WQNA's

Wednesday, August 3rd will be my first show with Sean.
Listen in and love me....

More later-


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