Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Saw Pixies Last Night. Exhausted. Plan To Doolittle....

So I saw the Pixies in Chicago at the Aragon last night. I went with my good friend Tara who LOVES them (she has had Pixies 7 on her plate for about as long as she could drive...). It's funny- last time I saw the Pixies I was in college. It was the Trompe Le Monde tour. Tara was 12 then. She didn't even know about the Pixies until about 2 years after they broke up. Poor child. Sooo, last night was a big deal for her and I'm glad I got to be there for it.

It was a good show- not one of the best I've ever seen, but good- I had fun. The show started out kind of slow, though. Frank's voice was surprisingly strong. Kim Deal spent most of the first half of the show with her back to me, standing between the drums and her amp. Probably because they were mostly songs that just Frank sang. That was a bit disappointing, but in the second half she stood up front. She had a big cheesy grin on her face too...it was cute. It always amazes me that that sweet little voice comes out of her. It's just not what you'd expect... like when Beefy the bulldog snored in "Little Nicky"...La-La, La, La, Laaa-la....

The second half of the show is when they played most of their "hits". There was a lot of crowd interaction in this set. It was lovely hearing thousands of voices singing a long with the band. They looked like they were genuinely having a great time on stage. (It was actually quite comforting... The breakup had been devastating for me as a fan and I was concerned as to how they would all get along on this tour. Just fine, evidently- which was truly a beautiful thing to see). They even did a little encore ending with "good nights" amongst themselves just like the Walton's... "Good night Kim"..."Good night Joey"..."Good night Frank"..."Good night David"...

I bought the 2-disc recording of last night's show. I listened to some of it in the car on the way to work this morning. Whomever came up with the business of selling recordings of the show YOU JUST SAW after the show is a mad genius.

I am positively exhausted. Yesterday was a loooooonnnnnggg day. Today's gonna drag- I truly
plan to doolittle . I'll have to take a nap so I don't miss Veronica Mars ...


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